Senior Adults Growing, Engaging  and Serving

This ministry is for Adults 55+ who are looking for Fellowship, Activities and Ministry opportunities with other senior adults.

Senior Adults Growing in our relationships with one another.

Engaging in reaching others through luncheons and activities.

Serving by calling, sending cards, visiting, and volunteering as needed in ministries.

A word from your leaders 

Rick Warren wrote in one of his studies, “It’s 
never too late to follow God’s calling on your 
life.” He was using the scriptures in Joshua
where Caleb was asking for the land in the
promised land that had been designated for him.
Joshua 14:10-12, “Now here I am, eighty-five 
years old. I am still as strong today as I was the 
day Moses sent me out.”  That land was
inhabited by giants with cities fortified with
great walls. Remember, he and Joshua were the
two spies who told Moses that they could take
the land. After forty years of traveling in the
wilderness he is saying, “I’ve still got it in me to 
do great things for you.” Remember, “God ain’t
through with us yet either.”

Our monthly luncheons are scheduled for
Saturdays this year. This is because we hope to
get more participation than having them during
the week.

Please remember our shut-in loved ones; send
them birthday cards, get well cards or just a
“Thinking of you” card, a phone call or visit to
brighten their day.

Contact your SAGES Adult Leaders if we can
be of service to you or if you know of needs.
Looking forward to a great year serving


Calendar of Events 2023

Meet your SAGES Leaders

SAGE Leaders:  Duane and Vernona Elliott

Shut-in Ministry Leader:  David Johnson

Publicity/Sunshine Leaders:  Jack and Suzanne Griggs

Shut-in Ministry Leader:  David Johnson

Photography/Multimedia:  Larry Ericksen, Bryan Wicks

SAGES Support Members

Don and Claudelle Lyall

Bryan and Cece Wicks

Calendar of Events

Saturday, January 14
We will meet at 12 noon in foyer for Pot luck, so bring a loaded covered dish or two. Desserts would also be welcomed.  Guest Speaker will be our very own Kent Voorhies.  ????